Tom Georges in Connect CRE: Go visit your healthcare provider - at Dollar General?

Tom Georges -
Vice President

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK (March 20, 2023) - Tom Georges, vice president in Northmarq's New York City office, was recently interviewed and featured in a Connect CRE article titled, "Go Visit Your Healthcare Provide - At Dollar General?" The story also highlighted a recent report by Northmarq, "Net Lease Favorites Expanding Healthcare Services," which noted that non-medical retail, specifically Amazon and Walmart, had expanded into healthcare alongside other retail pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS.

While the non-medical retailer's expansion into healthcare may be common knowledge, the plot may soon take an interesting twist. Dollar General is stepping into the medical care space as well, according to both the Northmarq report and Georges.

The report indicated that Dollar General has partnered with DocGo and is testing mobile health clinics at three of its Tennessee stores. The clinics, which are set up in “sizable vans in shop parking lots,” offer basic, preventative and urgent care services. The mobile clinics are in the “testing and assessment” phase. Based on consumer feedback, Dollar General will determine whether a future roll this out is feasible.

Georges indicated that the move of discount retailers into healthcare isn’t that surprising. “They’re recognizing a need and shift in healthcare destinations for the vast population, and see an opportunity to generate additional revenue."

Read the full story.